How To Increase Your Apartment Door Security in 2022

No matter where you live, safety is key. By upping your apartment door security game, protecting your family, your pets, your belongings and yourself has never been easier than it is today. Apartments, in particular, are prone to break-ins and robberies. Outside of the main entrance, you’re relatively unprotected. (Or at least less protected than you think.) But this doesn’t mean you have to stay that way. With all the lifesaving advancements of modern tech, it’s simple to start your own journey towards better home security.
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Here are The Best Ways to Increase Your Apartment Door Security (And Keep Some Peace of Mind)
Purchase a Ring Camera for Your Front Door
This is a basic step, and quite a popular one. Yet just this simple measure alone can ward off intruders, when they realize you can watch their every move. Ring has a few choices for front door security, from a simple doorbell camera to a proper video setup to mount above your entrance.
For the intent of keeping your apartment safe, either would suffice. However, let’s focus on their best seller– the classic doorbell camera. The camera connects to your pre-existing bell and can then be programmed to sync up with your Wifi. Once connected, download the Ring app to your cell phone and begin to monitor your home. With newer models of the device working through your home’s power source, you never have to worry about it running out of steam. Without the hassle of battery replacement, the Ring camera is both convenient and effective.
How does it work?
When your doorbell is rung, the camera is activated–immediately recording the movement outside your door and streaming it directly to your phone. (If it’s nighttime, Ring automatically initiates Infrared tech, which can continue to record with optimal visibility.) Ring only records when movement is detected upwards of thirty feet from your apartment entrance.
Though it may capture the many comings and goings of your best friends and roommates, it’s still worth the cost for the off-chance of an unwanted guest. If it isn’t someone you recognize, you can communicate with them through the door–using Ring’s ‘Two-Way Talking System.’
While you’re away, Ring continues to perform its crucial duty, sending various notifications to your phone if it detects any unusual activity. (Sometimes, this is as minuscule as a fly buzzing past your entrance or a FedEx worker dropping off yet another impulse purchase.) But as the old saying goes, you’re always better safe than sorry.
It’s about one hundred dollars to purchase the device, with a ten dollar monthly subscription to maintain the security. At the end of the day, this is a small price to pay for safety and peace of mind.
Add a Deadbolt to Your Apartment Door
One could take a wild guess and assume your front door already has a lock. This doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be upgraded, to ensure maximum security. A decent, Grade 1 deadbolt can dissuade intruders from attempting a break in–-forcing them to move on to the next, less protected entry. (So don’t let that yours.)
On average, a proper deadbolt will range anywhere between twenty five to three hundred dollars. Here’s a few Grade 1 deadbolts to start shopping.(And when the FedEx worker delivers your package, hopefully every step will be caught on your new Ring camera!)
How to install
To install a deadbolt, the steps are somewhat complicated to follow. I’ve included a video for those visual learners.
In essence, position a paper template on the door edge and mark holes on the center and edges. Drill the ‘face’ hole first, and follow with the edges–marking an outline for your deadbolt. Screw in your deadbolt first, and follow with the deadbolt mechanism after. Mark your door jamb hole for the strike plate and chisel it out. Afterwards, set the strike plate in place and screw it in.
The last step…just give up and hire a professional. We both know that’ll help.
However, if you’re the crafty type, here’s a written step by step. (I promise, it’s much better than mine.)
Add a Strike Plate Lock To Secure The Door From The Inside
A strike plate lock is relatively easy to install, adding additional protection to both sides of your front door. With just two screws, you can easily secure it to your door frame. This one little adjustment can triple your home security. It’s certainly a worthy investment. Here’s an installation guide.
Install a Dummy Camera to Scare off Intruders
Don’t wanna spend the money on a real security camera but still desire the intimidating effect? A dummy camera is the perfect cost-effective solution to instill fear in any potential intruders. The BNT fake security cam two-pack is just $12.99, with a built in red LED light that mimics the appearance of actual recording. There are absolutely no wires needed for installation, and the screws needed for wall mounting are included with the purchase. They require only two triple AA batteries, not included, to keep the device up and running. (Well, up and at least looking like it- and isn’t that all you need?)
Purchase a Door Barricade; A Cost-Effective Way to Increase Apartment Door Security
A door barricade’s cost and design is relatively in your control, as it comes in both a permanent and portable form.
A permanent door barricade is relatively easy to install, and can be used on practically any floor surface. Just screw the base to the floor and attach the barrier.
However, for those looking for a quicker solution, a portable option is an excellent alternative. For apartments, it’s particularly convenient, as certain building codes don’t allow installation directly into the apartment floor. Simply slide the device in place and manually adjust.
Both versions work against forced entries; particularly those done with aggressive kicks. They work off of the floor, providing a unique mode of additional security.
A Simple, But Often Neglected Step: Confirm Your Landlord Re-Keyed the Lock
While it may seem obvious, it’s important to verify your landlord actually re-keyed your new apartment door. While most professional property managers do this step automatically, some private, single owners may neglect this crucial act of increased security.
Not only can you ask, you can visually check. Take note of whether or not the lock looks newly installed.
If not, you can always purchase a re-keying kit yourself at most popular hardware stores.
Purchase a Door Stop Alarm
A door stop alarm works to startle the intruder, and hopefully cause them to reconsider their efforts. They’re extremely easy to set up; simply put new batteries into the small, wedge-shaped device and stick it under the door.
If any force entry is detected, the alarm sounds–loud enough to wake you from your sleep or distract you from your surround-sound movie night. The best part? It’s definitely loud enough to scare off a burglar. They’re extremely inexpensive, although any cost is worth it in the name of home security. On Amazon, a two pack is $13.99-with prime delivery and free returns.
You can adjust the sensitivity levels and turn the alarm on and off for any reason you see fit. Moving to a new place? Just slide the alarm from under the door and take it with you! It’s 100% an easy and beneficial measure in the name of increased apartment security.
If You Live on the Ground Floor, Make Sure to Block Any Direct View into Your Apartment from the Outside
Again, this one may seem obvious. However it’s still extremely important to ensure your valuables (and yourself) cannot be seen easily by passing strangers. Truthfully, you could hang cheap fabric or an old bed sheet over the window using portable hooks and call it a day. They also sell stick-on-blinds at most home improvement stores that can be ‘installed’ and removed with ease. If you still want access to your view, consider placing your existing furniture in a strategic order: segmenting the inside of your apartment to create a visual barricade. At least, ensure something highly valuable is not the first thing visible to a potential thief.
Try a Door Jammer for Increased Security
If you have an inward-swinging door, door jammers provide an increased level of door security. Often called “door security bars”, these completely adjustable metal tubes with a rubber foot on the bottom and a rubber block on its top. Simply alter the length of the pole to fit your door, place the top underneath the doorknob, and wedge the foot beneath the door frame. While the bar is in place, any pressure placed on it will cause the mechanism to tighten, making it near impossible to open the entrance at all. While these bars are typically used at the front door, they can be attached to any door in the home if you feel it may be necessary. This one is only $24.99, with a four star review and tons of glowing reviews.
In Conclusion?
It’s extremely important to maintain apartment door security, by any means possible. Even if you feel your complex is safe, there is absolutely no way to ensure that you won’t be the victim of a home invasion. By installing increased methods of security, you can feel confident in your own control over your own home safety.
Maintaining a good relationship with your landlord is also key. Make sure you know what you can and cannot do to increase your apartment door security and keep yourself updated on any potential crime in your area.
With this guide as your starting point, the possibilities for home security are endless.
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