Statistics for Lincoln Square


Apartments For Sale


New Buildings


Closed Sales in the last year

At the heart of Lincoln Square is Lincoln Center, a complex of grand performance halls assembled around an impressive open air plaza. Art films, opera performances, and the New York City Ballet all flourish in Lincoln Square’s inclusive setting. The surrounding blocks are full of busy thoroughfares lined with high rises and modern commercial businesses, but impressive brownstones and local storefronts are still tucked away in the quieter streets, especially as you move more east towards Central Park.

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The Lincoln Square Condo Market

Sale Values For Neighborhoods Near Lincoln Square, NY

west chelsea homes for sale $5,635,694
clinton homes for sale $13,698,550
upper west side homes for sale $5,538,447

Rent Values For Neighborhoods Near Lincoln Square, NY

midtown homes for rent $32,880
clinton homes for rent $9,242
upper west side homes for rent $11,563
Data by Marketproof

Schools In Lincoln Square

  • P.s. 191 Amsterdam 0.16 miles
  • P.s. 199 Jessie Isador Straus 0.31 miles
High school
  • Fiorello H. Laguardia High School Of Music & Art And Performing Arts 0.03 miles
  • High School For Arts, Imagination And Inquiry 0.06 miles
  • Urban Assembly School For Media Studies, The 0.06 miles
  • Manhattan Theatre Lab High School 0.06 miles
  • High School For Law, Advocacy And Community Justice 0.06 miles
  • Special Music School 0.18 miles
  • P.s. 111 Adolph S. Ochs 0.57 miles
School information provided by Marketproof. Please reach out to schools directly to verify all information and enrollment eligibility.

Transportation In Lincoln Square

  • 66th st - lincoln ctr 1 2
  • 72nd st 1 2 3
  • 59th st - columbus circle 1 2
  • 59th st - columbus circle A B C D
  • 72nd st A B C
Transportation information provided by Marketproof.

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