Upper Carnegie Hill Real Estate
Statistics for Upper Carnegie Hill
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Data by Marketproof
Schools In Upper Carnegie Hill
Early Childhood
- P.s. 185 John M. Langston 0.62 miles
- P.s. 171 Patrick Henry 0.19 miles
- Central Park East Ii 0.19 miles
- P.s. 072 0.3 miles
- Central Park East I 0.33 miles
- P.s. 77 Lower Lab School 0.4 miles
High school
- Central Park East High School 0.33 miles
- Heritage School, The 0.36 miles
- Park East High School 0.47 miles
- School For Cooperative Technical Education 0.57 miles
Junior High-Intermediate-Middle
- J.h.s. 013 Jackie Robinson 0.33 miles
- Tito Puente Education Complex 0.61 miles
School information provided by Marketproof. Please reach out to schools directly to verify all
information and enrollment eligibility.
Transportation In Upper Carnegie Hill
- 103rd st 4 6 6 Express
- 96th st 4 6 6 Express
- 96th st Q
- 110th st 4 6 6 Express
- 103rd st A B C
- 96th st A B C
Transportation information provided by Marketproof.