Map Location

5007 5th St

5007 5th St, Hunter's Point, NY, 11101

Building Facts

  • 1550 Square ft
  • Year Built: 2024
  • Building Type: Condo
  • Total units: 17
  • Neighborhood: Hunter’s Point
  • Number of stories: 6
  • Developer: 5007-5009 5th Development Llc

Listings At 5007 5th St

-1 beds
-1 baths
5007 5th st

About 5007 5th St

List of Amenities

  • Laundry
  • Prewar

News Feed


Transportation Near 5007 5th St

  • vernon blvd - jackson ave (0.15 miles) 7 7 Express
  • 21st st (0.37 miles) G
  • hunters point ave (0.4 miles) 7 7 Express
Transportation information provided by Marketproof.

About Hunter’s Point

Just over the Pulaski Bridge, much of north Brooklyn’s charm and ease spills over into Hunter’s Point where residents and onlookers enjoy a number of buildings listed on the National Register of Historic Places. High-rises…

The Hunter’s Point Condo Market

Sale Values For Neighborhoods Near Hunter’s Point, NY

long island city homes for sale $9,236,883
greenpoint homes for sale $1,464,550
east williamsburg homes for sale $1,193,420

Rent Values For Neighborhoods Near Hunter’s Point, NY

long island city homes for rent $6,444
murray hill homes for rent $5,832
greenpoint homes for rent $6,908
Data by Marketproof

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