126 East 57th Street Reaches Street Level In Midtown, Manhattan

Construction has reached street level at 126 East 57th Street, the site of a 28-story residential building on Billionaires’ Row in Midtown East, Manhattan. Designed by ODA Architecture , who is also in charge of the interior design, and developed by MRR Development under the MRR 1326 LLC, the 346-foot-tall structure will yield 147 condominium units spread across 170,000 square feet, as well as 5,000 square feet of lower-level retail space. WSP USA is the engineer and Plaza Buildings is the general contractor for the project, which is being constructed on an L-shaped parcel at the corner of East 56th Street and Lexington Avenue. A narrow panhandle section of the building’s footprint will extend north to East 57th Street.
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